133 films from 39 countries have entered the 46th EKOFILM IFF! Again, the viewers have much to look forward to this year.
This year, 133 films from all over the world have entered the competitive part of the festival, from which the dramaturgy team is selecting the 25 most attractive and interesting films that visitors to this year's EKOFILM will also be able to see. The highest number is represented by films from Germany, the Czech Republic and the United States, and films from many European countries are strongly represented. Films submitted to the festival from destinations such as Korea, Colombia, Taiwan, Mexico, Kenya and Australia add an exotic character to the festival.
The festival audience can definitely anticipate a diverse spectacle in all three competition categories – Beauty of Nature, Central European Films and Short Films. This was also confirmed by the festival's leading dramaturge Jitka Kotrlová: “This year we had the opportunity to choose from a large number of interesting films related to the topic of sustainability. The topics ranged from food, farming, consumption, the interconnectedness of industries and globalisation to the effects of climate change, which are altering the lives of people around the world. Most films came from Germany this year, and as in previous years, it is clear that the ecological theme is covered not only by European film-makers in a global context, and that the themes cross continental boundaries.”
Another view was shared by a member of the EKOFILM dramaturgy team – Martin Čech from the Department of Environmental Studies, Masaryk University: “For the spectators of EKOFILM, we have prepared a selection of the best of the submitted films. As the urgency of most of the environmental issues we face as a society grows, this year we also have a higher proportion of films that seek and offer solutions. Since we always present the most current films, some of them even take into account the experience of the coronavirus crisis.”
The jurors will have a hard time choosing the winners. In addition to the festival award, the authors of the winning films will receive a financial reward – this time they will share about USD 2,312.
As every year, it will be possible to remember the screened festival films through Echoes of EKOFILM. Just send a list of selected films that you want to screen on your non-commercial screening to ozveny@ekofilm.cz, which must be carried out and promoted under the name “Echoes of EKOFILM”. Further conditions and information on Echoes can be found on the festival website.
EKOFILM is held under the auspices of Richard Brabec, Minister of the Environment of the Czech Republic, Bohumil Šimek, regional council president of the South Moravian Region, Markéta Vaňková, the Mayor of Brno, Vojtěch Mencl, the Mayor of the city district Brno-střed, Martin Bareš, rector of Masaryk University and Danuše Nerudová, rector of Mendel University.
25. 6. 2020